What To Look Out For When Voting.

By Silvia Tsitsi Mukwindidza

Why should you vote?
It is your responsibility as a citizen of Zimbabwe to participate and vote in national elections.
Political processes comprise of the politicians, the media and citizens. Therefore, it is a cycle
where these players feed into each other to build a nation. Every citizen has the right to
participate in political processes so as to determine their own future. If you quest for change,
then voting gives you that power to choose who can represent you and your ideologies. If you
did not know, voting is your right as a citizen of Zimbabwe. Cliché or not, those that vote have
a superior right to criticise political leaders than those that do not.

Register to vote
This is the most important initial stage of an election. Without registering to vote you are
depriving yourself of your right to vote. After registering to vote you still need to verify your
details and polling station to avoid missing this vital opportunity of determining your future.

Who is barred from voting?
Those who do not have a Zimbabwean nationality cannot vote. Those under the age of 18, their
voting right has not yet matured and will not be voting. Besides, they cannot register to vote
yet. Those that are not registered to vote cannot cast their vote. This is why it is important to
verify that you are a registered voter and that your personal details are correct before the
election day.

Know your polling station
This year’s elections are the most awaited for globally as Zimbabwe, for the first time ever,
decides on a new president without the former president, Robert Mugabe. It is every voter’s
responsibility to participate in every stage and vote wisely. Every voter should verify that their
name is on the electoral roll and the station where they will be casting their vote. This requires
every voter to be aware when this inspection stage is announced.

Research about the candidates
The best thing you can do for yourself as far as your voting right is concerned, following current
affairs. You need to know what is happening in your country because some candidates
maximise on the ignorance of the people. Thus, it is important to compare and judge candidates
before finally voting. One can observe such aspects as the candidate’s values, promises and
affiliations. Sources of this information include campaign websites, radio and television news,
candidate speeches and debates as well as other people’s opinions.

Mark your ballot paper with an X
You do not vote by ticking! You mark a cross (X) on your ballot paper against a candidate that
you would like to vote for.

Avoid spoiling your ballot paper
Every ballot paper counts. You should avoid spoiling your ballot paper by verifying before you
cast your vote. If you make a mistake on your ballot paper, return to the station staff with your
spoilt paper and ask for another clean ballot paper.

Taking a selfie is not harmful and neither is it a crime. During the registration period people
have been taking selfies freely. However, do not do things that may result in you being escorted
out of your ballot booth.

Voting is a great leap of faith as one declares their confidence in another human being to be
their leader and that they will keep their campaign promises. Something to bear in mind aside
from the above points, a higher voter turnout reflects our country in a positive image, which
may invite great economic opportunities.


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